What’s the biggest tendering mistake businesses make? | 6PR Money News Interview with Nigel Dennis

6PR Perth Money News - Nigel Dennis interview with Karalee Katsambanis to discuss businesses' biggest tendering mistakes

BidWrite CEO Nigel Dennis joined Karalee Katsambanis for a radio interview on 6PR Money News last week.

With an estimated $600 billion worth of contracts up for grabs in the Australian market each year, tendering sure is a lucrative industry. It’s no wonder so many businesses want a piece of the pie.

But there’s a huge misconception in the industry. Tendering is often seen as an administrative task, and therefore handed off to staff members with little to no bid writing experience. In reality, persuasive bid writing is a highly specialised skill and tendering to win contracts is more competitive than ever.

What’s the biggest mistake businesses make when tendering?

Check out the 6PR Money News recording on our YouTube channel by clicking below. Nigel discusses just how time-consuming it is to craft a competitive tender response, why a business might consider outsourcing some of that work to specialists, how harnessing AI technology might help, and the number one mistake he sees businesses make when tendering – a lack of client focus.

Alternatively, you can listen to the full recording of the August 8th show here. In this extended recording, Nigel is introduced from the 7:20 mark. His interview is followed up by a caller named Paul who reinforces one of BidWrite’s key messages – it’s not the cheapest bid that wins, but the one that delivers the best perceived value for the customer.

Learn to avoid common tendering mistakes and solve your organisation’s bidding problems by subscribing to Bid Talk. You’ll receive BidWrite’s latest resources, newsletters, blogs, training dates and upcoming events straight to your email inbox.


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