Terms & Conditions


By entering and using the BidWrite website you are deemed to have read and accepted these Terms and Conditions. Do not use the website if you do not agree to them.

BidWrite includes content on this website for information purposes and, whilst doing everything in its power to ensure content is accurate and up-to-date, BidWrite does not offer any warranties (whether express, implied or otherwise) as to the reliability, accuracy or completeness of the information appearing on this web site or materials on other web sites accessed via this web site. The information is provided for interest only and is not to be misconstrued as professional advice or opinion. BidWrite will not be liable to any user or third party for any kind of direct, indirect or consequential loss or damage from accessing, or using the information contained within, or accessed via, this website.


BidWrite is committed to preserving the confidentiality of its dealings with clients. All information relating to the business of our clients, which is confidential and which is clearly designated as such, shall be kept in the strictest confidence by BidWrite. However this does not apply to any information that has become publicly available or that is rightfully obtained from third parties.


The website and its contents are copyright material and the copyright is owned by Bid Write Pty Ltd unless stated otherwise. BidWrite’s prior written consent is to be obtained before any reproduction, republication or retransmission of the website contents.


BidWrite is aware, and supports the provisions, of The Privacy Act 1998 (Cth). Although not required to comply with these legislative provisions, BidWrite will do everything in its power to ensure it securely maintains all personal information.
