
Left-shifting your way to revenue growth – Part 2

Setting an aspirational mindset and culture creates expectations, encourages action and aligns a workforce. But what then? In part 2 of 2, Peter Blunden looks deeper into how a left-shifted focus, aligned with your organisation’s bidding function, leads to sustained business success.



Left-shifting your way to revenue growth – Part 1

BidWrite’s GM Growth Peter Blunden explains how companies who adopt a left-shifting and customer-centric approach to tendering will reap substantial rewards – smarter investments, a strategically aligned pipeline of opportunities, an engaged and focused workforce, and of course, significant revenue growth.



Can generative AI imitate ‘soul’?

While writing his father-of-the-bride speech recently, Principal Consultant Mark Riley also asked ChatGPT to write a version based on his prompts. But can a generative AI tool even begin to replicate the insight, context, emotion and soul of Mark’s own heartfelt speech? Or will humans and technology always need to work together for the best result?



The Bid That Wouldn’t Die: A Tendering Horror Story

Spooky season is upon us, and in the spirit of Halloween, we thought it’d be a bit of fun to ponder the dark side of bidding. Written by Bid Consultant and Halloween-fanatic Zoe Simpson, this tendering horror story is a fictitious, highly dramatized example of when everything that can go wrong, does go wrong during a bid.



Sorry senator: ‘inappropriately’ influencing your customers with power maps gives your tenders the winning edge.

After reading an article where a Labor party senator described ‘power maps’ as an attempt to “inappropriately influence the public service” during the tender process, Natalie Schroeder and Nigel Dennis explain why stakeholder mapping is actually a logical part of the standard pre-tender ‘positioning’ process – essential to building strong relationships and preparing persuasive bids.



Happy Birthday BidWrite! Embracing fifteen years of tendering evolution.

August 2023 marks fifteen years since the BidWrite business was born. Co-Founders David Lunn and Nigel Dennis take a look back and reflect not only on how BidWrite has grown, but also how the tendering industry itself has evolved, the changes they’ve embraced along the way, and what’s coming next.



AI in tendering – 2GB Money News Interview with Nigel Dennis

Writers are said to be one of the top 10 occupations most likely to be affected by AI. BidWrite CEO Nigel Dennis joins Scott Haywood for an interview on 2GB’s Money News, taking a closer look at the impact of AI technology on our business and the wider bidding industry.



Why telling a compelling story will help you win more tenders

If you create a narrative that speaks to your buyer’s pain points and issues, and offer a compelling solution to their problem, you’re well on the way to beating your competitors. Andrew Yallop explains how story telling in bids and applying strategic narrative principles can make your next tender submission more memorable.